Tuesday 11 January 2011

Formal Presentation

I have attended a presentation which has been presented by Abdulla Ali and Yousif Mohammed. The title of the presentation was “Noise Pollution”, and both Abdulla and Yousif had proper eye contact with the audience and have spoken in a proper fluent accent which was easy to understand. They have started their presentation with an introduction about the different effects of noise pollution in our country, for example, it can distract an individual’s task because it disturbs and bursts of the ear drum. The objective of the presentation was to provide solutions and opinions that will prevent this kind of distraction to the people and to stay in the safe side. Noise may come from different origins, construction sites, airplanes, and from many other places. The solutions of those effects, for example in construction sites, workers should use more improved equipments that would produce less noise. Another example, airplanes which causes the nosiest sound and this problem may be solved by changing old airplane engines to new and more improved engines which may have noise silencer.

Saturday 25 December 2010

Semi-formal Presentation Report

On Tuesday 14th December 2010, Khalid Al Mansori who is my classmate in Abu Dhabi Men’s college had his presentation done and he present it to our classmates which it was about Solar Energy. In this report, I will evaluate and discuss his presentation which will include my opinions about it.

First of all, he had a good introduction which contained the typical opining questions to attract the audience attentions, however, it very essential to make it simple and brief because sometimes when it is long and have points which not important, the audience will feel bored and will not concentrate on the presentation. Another point I need to mention might be the way of his eye contact, Khalid had everything in his presentation right except the eye contact; he wasn’t looking to the audience because he was looking to his notes more than giving his attention to the audience. In my opinion, when the presenter do not prepare for his presentation he might get into these problems like losing his eye contact and forget some points. Moreover, the audience asked him about some points which from it I realized that he know what he is talking about.

The presentation was well organized and I believe now from his presentation that solar energy is very important in our life. He illustrated his topic in an interesting way which is a good way to have our attentions. Although, he forget some points but he was covering this by mention what he was saying before. But I was sure that he didn’t prepare for this presentation otherwise he will had it perfect. So, my advice to him is preparing for the presentation is essential to make perfect and useful for the audience and keep their attention with you.

Meeting Reflection

In 26th of October-201, we had our meeting at 8:40am in HCT in Abu Dhabi. The meeting was about an important issue in ADMC life. I was a member in the meeting and my classmates participate in it. Abdullah was the facilitator, Ali Bader was the note taker and Zaid was a member. The issue we discussed was a major talking point in student’s life. It was about how the student’s life can be improved and what are the problems that it can be tackled to make the ADMC better and better. In the meeting, we covered every point that we prepare before. Also, we had many suggestion about the topic which was beneficial for every member. In addition, I learned many things from this meeting, for instance, I know now how to make an agenda for the meeting and be a good part of any meeting I will have in the future. One point to mention is that meeting have a good reflection in our life because from it we can solve our problems and have a better life.